Australia, through The George Institute for Global Health, is implementing a comprehensive program that will strengthen the provision of high quality and equitable prevention, screening and management services for diabetes and hypertension within primary health care systems in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Cambodia. The RESist-NCD partnership supports partner governments, academic and civil society organisations to adapt evidence-based integrated models of diabetes and hypertension care to their contexts; test and evaluate these models; and develop national implementation plans for wider scale-up. RESist-NCD will also focus on strengthening essential health systems building blocks that are critical to maintaining comprehensive diabetes and hypertension service provision within primary health care. Lastly, the program will tackle upstream determinants for long-term non-communicable disease reduction by facilitating community-led solutions to food and water insecurity in Fiji and Papua New Guinea, and strengthening evidence-based and community-informed salt and sugar reduction policy and taxation initiatives in Fiji and Vietnam.