Investments funded under the Partnerships for a Healthy Region are listed here.
Communicable disease prevention and control: Partner countries have improved ability to anticipate, prevent, detect and control communicable disease threats.
Non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention and control: Partner countries supported to better prevent and control non-communicable diseases.
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR): Partner countries supported to advance inclusive sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly for women and girls.
Resilient health systems: Partner countries have improved capabilities, resources, regulatory mechanisms and systems to meet their country’s health needs.
Effective partnerships and delivery: Australia’s regional health assistance is valued, flexible, responsive and projects Australian expertise into the Indo-Pacific region.
The Partnerships for a Healthy Region (PHR) initiative Strategic Investment Framework (SIF) provides a high-level overview of the PHR initiative. As the overarching design document for the initiative, the SIF outlines a structure to support the operationalisation of PHR programming through multiple pathways, across a large portfolio. Read more here.
Monitoring, evaluation and learning resources can be found here.
Media releases announcing partnerships and activities under the PHR include:
Advancing sexual and reproductive health in Southeast Asia (25 November 2024)
Supporting action on climate change and health in the Pacific and Southeast Asia (18 November 2024)
Expanded support to address priority health needs in the region (19 September 2024)
Addressing rheumatic heart disease in the Pacific (27 May 2024)
Investing in the next generation of Tuberculosis treatments (24 March 2024)
New partnership to support sexual and reproductive rights in the Pacific (22 November 2023)
Making history by eliminating cervical cancer in Australia and our region (17 November 2023)
Supporting global efforts to prevent, prepare for, and respond to pandemics (20 September 2023)
Australia supporting safe, quality medicines in our region (13 July 2023)

DFAT is funding Product Development Partnerships and allied organisations, focusing on products targeting infectious diseases of particular concern to the Pacific and Southeast Asia.

DFAT is funding activities to address communicable and non-communicable disease control.
The Partnerships for a Healthy Region initiative is investing in partnerships across our region.