Indo-Pacific Initiative #2 – Vector Control Toolbox

IVCC develops innovative vector control tools to guard against malaria and dengue-carrying mosquitoes. With DFAT support, IVCC will expand a vector control toolbox tailored to Indo-Pacific contexts, better equipping countries to prevent and manage outbreaks and ultimately eliminate Vector Borne Diseases.
Activities include:

  • PNG: Utilising the insectary, tunnel and semi-field huts to strengthen entomological capacity and skills while undertaking trials and evaluation of new VCTs including spatial emanators. Evaluation of the VCTs includes impact and cost-effectiveness models to provide PNG’s National Malaria Control Program with evidence-based decision-making scenarios.
  • Cambodia and Thailand: Epidemiological and operational evaluation trials of spatial emanators applicable to the Great Mekong Region.
  • Malaysia: Expand and improve the efficacy of the Aedes Control Toolbox via laboratory and field entomology trials.