Timely access to reliable and accurate information is critical in enabling healthcare emergency preparedness and response.
The ASTEROID program is currently assisting the Timor-Leste Ministry of Health in ensuring that accurate COVID-19 information reaches primary healthcare workers in remote communities. The program is being implemented by non-government organisation Maluk Timor, drawing on Australian Government funding provided through the Centre and in partnership with international organisations including the World Health Organization.
The program assisted the development of a COVID-19 triage system and a national training package for primary healthcare workers, which is being delivered to every community health centre in the country. The process is interactive and champions national health experts, which helps ensure the material is relatable and tailored to local context.
This training builds on work started before the current pandemic, and in time will be expanded to improve recognition, treatment, notification, and prevention of all infectious diseases in Timor-Leste.
To assist with ongoing access to up-to-date COVID-19 information, ASTEROID developed a COVID-specific module in its mobile application, Haroman. This application, designed by technology company Catalpa, contains guidelines for Timorese clinicians aiming to improve the process of COVID diagnosis, treatment and disease notification. As the application can be used offline and is available in the local language, it is accessible to most primary healthcare clinicians across the country.