The Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security is currently exploring future programming priorities in health security. It is anticipated that this will build on achievements to date with a particular focus on the avoidance and containment of infectious disease threats with the potential to cause social and economic harms on a national, regional or global scale.
Roundtable discussions have provided an opportunity to reflect on Australia's investment in health security to date and to commence dialogue on future health security programming priorities for our region.
Thematic Deep Dives are part of our series of discussions on future programming and will provide the opportunity for in-depth discussions on a particular topic. These virtual discussions are open to our current partners and interested partners/organisations.
Thematic discussions included:
- Laboratory strengthening
- Data for decision making and surveillance - 24 May 2022
- Field epidemiology - Friday 17 June
- Vector-borne diseases and vector control - Tuesday 14 June
- Outbreak response and preparedness - Tuesday 31 May
- One Health - Tuesday 21 June
- Community engagement - Wednesday 22 June
- Infection Prevention and Control; and Antimicrobial Resistance - 16 May 2022
- Immunisation - 18 May 2022
- PDPs, Product Development and Deployment - Tuesday 14 June
Roundtable discussions include:
- Sydney, NSW - 20 April 2022
- Melbourne, VIC - 11 May 2022
- GEDSI - 12 May 2022
- Brisbane - 18 July 2022
- Perth - 17 August