Australia is investing in the health security of our region by funding information systems to keep track of COVID-19 vaccinations in Pacific nations.
The Australian Government has committed $5 million over the next three years to roll out ‘Tamanu’—an Australian-developed patient-level electronic medical record which can be used as an immunisation register.
Tamanu is a robust and secure information system which helps track individual patients who have been immunised.
This tracking is essential to making sure no one is left behind in the COVID-19 immunisation program.
The information collected in Tamanu can be integrated with or routed to Tupaia for advanced data aggregation, analysis and visualisation.
Tamanu can be used on both desktop computers and mobile devices. It allows health workers to capture patient data, save the information on a mobile/desktop device offline and then sync to a central server when internet connection is available. This means individual patients can be tracked and health care workers can support consistent, long-term management of patients even in the most remote areas.
Tamanu treats data security and privacy very seriously. The data collected belongs to the people and partner countries and can be securely stored on site, in local data centres or using a cloud architecture.
At the request of the Samoan Government, Samoa will be the first country to use Tamanu to assist the national roll-out of COVID-19 vaccinations.
Fiji will be next, with Tamanu due to come online by mid-2021. More Pacific countries will begin implementing the registry soon. Learn more about Tamanu.